Best 14 Free Esthetician Certifications Online

If you are an aspiring esthetician looking to advance your career, earning a certification is a great way to sharpen your existing abilities and learn new ones.

With the high cost of traditional education, it may be difficult to find an affordable program, fortunately, there are many free online esthetician certifications. These certifications will help are suitable for aspiring estheticians and professional estheticians.

By enrolling in these courses, you’ll have the opportunity to gain knowledge and build your portfolio and also increase your relevance and capability in the industry. Also, you may even be able to use the certifications as a reference when applying for jobs or contracts.

Although most free online esthetician certifications do not require any prior experience, they can still provide you with the skills needed to succeed in the industry.

You will learn how to identify skin types and choose the best treatment for each one, how to mix and blend colors for the perfect look, and how to generate client loyalty through customer service. Also, you will get valuable insight into the business area of things, including marketing strategies, and pricing.

Estheticians are experts in skincare who focus on maintaining and enhancing the skin’s beauty. They frequently provide services including facials, body treatments, and cosmetics applications in spas, salons, and resorts.

There are many free esthetician certificates you can get online, in addition to the many other esthetician programs offered in beauty, and vocational schools.

These certifications provide a good opportunity for aspiring estheticians to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to start a career in the industry, or for professional estheticians to improve their knowledge and learn about the newest methods and technologies.

The target market for online cosmetics programs is often adults, however, most schools allow registration for people who are at least 16 years old.

Some universities offer their degrees in a hybrid format; combining in-person learning with online education. This method is used in an attempt to ensure that students get a first-hand learning experience. if you made it to this stage, it’s time to explore the top 13 free esthetician certifications online.

See also: Good Short-term Courses for Ladies

What Are the Benefits of Free Esthetician Certifications?

Free esthetician certifications have a lot of advantages:

  • They help you learn about the most recent methods and trends in the industry.
  • They help you improve your knowledge of the various areas of esthetics.
  • They can help you improve your professional credibility and boost your resume.
  • Enrolling in free esthetician classes can give you the knowledge and skills you need to offer your clients high-quality services.

Best 14 Free Esthetician Certifications Online

Skin Care Fundamentals for Estheticians

Skin Care Fundamentals for Estheticians is a free online esthetician certification provided by the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). The foundations of skincare are covered in this course, along with topics like product ingredients, common skin disorders, and anatomy and physiology. It also contains details on how to give clients recommendations and treatments that work.

For more information about this certification, see Esthetics Fundamental Curriculum.

Esthetician 101

Esthetician 101 is provided by the National Esthetician Association (NEA), it is one of the available free esthetician certifications online. The fundamentals of esthetics are covered in this course, along with information on product components, cleanliness, and infection control. It also contains details about the various esthetic procedures, such as facials, waxing, and makeup application.

For more information about this certification, see NCEA National Esthetician.

Medical Aesthetic for Estheticians

Medical Aesthetics for Estheticians is a free online course provided by the International Society for Medical Aesthetics (IAMA). The foundations of medical aesthetics are covered in this course, along with anatomy and physiology, skin disorders, and typical procedures including chemical peels and microdermabrasion. Additionally, it contains details on how to collaborate with doctors and other healthcare experts to deliver secure and efficient treatments.

For more information about this certification, see Medical Aesthetic for Estheticians.

Introduction to Esthetics

“Introduction to Esthetics” is a free online course provided by the American Association of Cosmetology Schools (AACS). The fundamentals of esthetics, including skin architecture and physiology, product ingredients, and typical treatments, are covered in this course. It also contains details on how to construct a fruitful career in the industry, along with advice on marketing, business growth, and networking.

For more information about this certification, see Introduction to Esthetics.

Laser Safety for Estheticians

“Laser Safety for Estheticians” is a free online course provided by the National Laser Institute (NLI). The principles of laser safety are covered in this course, along with the many kinds of cosmetic lasers, potential hazards, and appropriate safety precautions. Also, it contains details on how to consult with customers to choose the most suitable laser treatment alternatives and how to deliver secure and efficient procedures.

For more information about this certification, see Laser Safety for Estheticians.

Esthetician Fundamentals for Plastic Surgery

Esthetician Fundamentals for Plastic Surgery is a free online course provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). The fundamentals of esthetics for plastic surgery are covered in this course, along with information on typical treatments, the anatomy and physiology of the skin, and how to collaborate with plastic surgeons to deliver safe and efficient care.

For more information, see Esthetician Fundamentals for Plastic Surgery.

Esthetician Foundations for Dermatologic Surgery

Esthetician Foundations for Dermatologic Surgery is a free online course provided by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS). The fundamentals of esthetics for dermatologic surgery are covered in this course, along with information on typical treatments, the anatomy and physiology of the skin, and how to collaborate with dermatologists to deliver safe and efficient care.

For more information, see Esthetician Foundations for Dermatologic Surgery.

Fundamentals of Skincare and Makeup Application

The free Esthetician Certification course from the International Association of Professions Career College (IAPCC) teaches the fundamentals of skincare and makeup application. Lessons on skin anatomy, skin care products, facial treatments, cosmetics application techniques, and more are covered in this course. Students who successfully complete the course are awarded a certificate that can be used to prove their expertise in the subject of esthetics.

For more information about this certification, see Fundamentals of Skincare and Makeup Application.

Skin Anatomy and Physiology

A free course on skin anatomy and physiology is among the online courses for estheticians offered by DermaMed Solutions. The fundamentals of skin structure and function are covered in this course, along with details on the skin’s layers, cells, and appendages. For new estheticians, it provides a fantastic introduction to the science of skincare.

For more information, see Anatomy and Physiology.

An Introduction to Skincare Treatments

Leading skincare company Dermalogica provides a free online course on using its products professionally. The main benefits and characteristics of Dermalogica’s products are covered in this course, along with advice on how to use them successfully for skincare treatments. After finishing the training, estheticians will have a greater grasp of the company and how to use its products in their procedures.

For more information about this certification, see An Introduction to Skincare Treatments.

Skincare Fundamentals

A free online certification on skin care fundamentals is available from Pevonia, a well-known skincare organization. The fundamentals of skincare are covered in this course, including skin types, typical problems, and substances.

It is one of the free esthetician certifications online and the main goal of its creation is to assist estheticians in comprehending the basic principles of skin care and giving their clients efficient treatments.

For more information, see skincare fundamentals.

The Advantages of Seaweed for Skincare

A well-known supplier of skin care goods and services, Repêchage, provides a free online esthetician certification on the advantages of seaweed for skin care. This certification teaches the science underlying seaweed’s numerous skincare advantages and offers advice on how to use seaweed in treatments.

When you enroll in this co will have a greater understanding of the function of seaweed in skincare and how to use it to enhance the skin of their customers.

For more information about this, see the advantages of seaweed for skincare.

Science of Aging Skin

Leading skincare company G.M. Collin provides a free online course on the science of aging skin. The newest findings on the causes of aging and the ways that skincare products can help to prevent and reverse the signs of age are covered in this course. The course will help aestheticians understand how to help their clients retain a youthful appearance and how the aging process works.

For more information about this certification, see the science of aging skin.

Esthetician (CE11)

Esthetician (CE11) is one of the free esthetician certifications online, this program is offered by Wire Georgia Technical College. It is a certification program meant for people with no experience who want to be estheticians.

This certification covers many areas of esthetics, including color theory and makeup, salon management, facial treatment, and skincare procedures. This will teach you the skills you need to become an esthetician and succeed as one.

Though this certification may seem a good option, there are some requirements you need to meet before you can enroll in the program.

  • You must be 17 years old or older.
  • You will need to submit official College Transcripts.
  • Completion of at least 60 semester credits or 72 quarter credits for applicants who have been to college.

To learn more about the esthetician course, see Course Catalog.

6 Types of Online Courses for Estheticians

  • Hair removal: This aspect of the beauty course deals with unruly facial and body hair. It includes waxing, sugaring, depilatory creams, electrolysis, and more.
  • Applying and removing makeup: Hairdressers do a little work in terms of makeup and makeup removal. Making your customers look good is our number one priority.
  • Body treatment: With the help of this online program, you can master the use of skin microdermabrasion, peeling, and exfoliation.
  • Nail care: This course provides all the basic information about manicures and pedicures, nail structure, nail diseases, nail disorders, cuticle treatments, and split nail repair.
  • Skin analysis and massage: In this class, you will learn how to scrub, facial massage, facial mask treatment, and facial cleansing techniques.
  • Cosmetic Chemistry: It concerns information on skin biology, cell physiology, emulsions, and skin products.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions on the topic.

Who is an Esthetician?

A skincare expert known as an esthetician offers services like facials, body treatments, and makeup applications. Estheticians are trained to understand the nature of the skin and employ a range of methods and products to enhance the health and look of their client’s skin.

How Can I Become an Esthetician?

To become a certified esthetician, you will need to complete a esthetician program approved by licensing agencies in you area and also pass a licensing exam. Training programs like this often last between 6 months and 1 year. These programs usually combine classroom instruction with practical training. You can start working as an esthetician in your state after completing a training program and passing the license exam.

Can I Operate My Esthetician Business From Home?

Mobile estheticians can work in any location where clients need or want their services. Whenever an esthetician can offer services, they do so, including private residences, workplace rewards programs, assisted living facilities, and locations for special events.

What Level of an Esthetician is the Highest?

The National Coalition of Estheticians Associations (NCEA) has established the National Esthetician Certification-NCEA Certified certificate as the highest level for estheticians in the United States.


It is important to note that even while some organizations may provide free esthetician certification courses, these programs might not be accepted by licensing authorities in your state or country. Before enrolling in any school or program, it is a good idea to examine the prerequisites for esthetician certification in your particular location.
